A Clear Altenative: Clear, flexible framework for partial dentures

Mar 27, 2015
A Clear Altenative: Clear, flexible framework for partial dentures

I have often thought that an Edwardian dental technician would be very much at home in modern-day prosthodontic laboratories. Many procedures carried out by 21st century dental technicians differ very little from techniques practiced in the past, however, things are changing. With the advances in computer design programs and the use of modern-day materials, machines and new procedures, we can now do things such technicians could only dream of.

One material that has become of increasing interest to me over the last few years is polyamide microcrystalline and its use in partial denture frameworks. A ‘what if’ moment came to me a few years ago. What if we could make a clear flexible framework rigid enough to incorporate a tooth-borne clasping action? We could then have a virtually unbreakable, biocompatible, non-hydroscopic invisible partial denture … this is now a reality.

The thought behind a framework as opposed to a straight forward flexible partial denture stems from my dislike of the wholly mechanical connection between the tooth and the thermoplastic material which leads to the inevitable staining at the junction between the rigid tooth and the flexing framework material. This is not the case with this clear framework.

Aesthetically clear clasping has obvious advantages over chrome, stainless steel and gold and does not have spring type action that may, if not opposed reciprocally be detrimental to the clasped dentition. When cast into an undercut thermoplastics are only active when being displaced.

After try in, the tooth position is captured in a silicone key and luted to the framework using a light curing PMMA composite primer and a dentine coloured adhesive composite. Nanofilled composites are then used for individualisation.


Producing accurate thermoplastic castings requires training as does any new procedure but is quick and cost effective when that skill has been acquired.

Feedback from patients requiring a partial restoration has been totally positive. They find this material is comfortable, retentive and aesthetic.


Prosthodontic manager, Queensway Dental Laboratory. 

If you would like any more information about the flexible framework or Queensway Dental Laboratory please contact us. 
