Donation to the Seafarers
Dec 8, 2014

We were asked if we could make a dontaction to our local seafarers mission at Seal Sands (a few miles from our practice).
Every year crew from third world countries sign up for a long haul trip with a promise of wages when they return to their home port. With the rigours of the winter seas, and often ill equipped for our harsh weather condition, the mission collects hats, scarfs, gloves, socks and personal hygiene products, shower gel, soaps, shaving products, air mail envelopes, stamps.
The Seafareres arrive in our local port at Seal Sands and are often stranded until New Year sailings departs again, with no family, friends or access to money as their terms of employment need them to be on the return ship back to their own country, so little or no chance to contact loved ones that can be across the world in foreign shores.
St. Michaels School were in charge this year of making the shoeboxes, here are some of the pupils collecting our donation of toothpastes and toothbrushes.