GDP Referral update
Aug 14, 2020

From 20th July Queensway Dental will resume provision of Tier 2 Oral Surgery service for Teesside and County Durham. Given the success of electronic referrals during the pandemic please continue to send all referrals electronically to: (QTOSS) or (QDDOSS) and include supporting radiographs.
Initially we have been advised by NHS England that we can only accept urgent referrals and any patients deemed to require a Tier 1 procedure will be returned to the referring practitioner.
Patients already in our system prior to the pandemic will be contacted and categorised into urgent and non-urgent cases and prioritised accordingly. For non-urgent cases, if they develop symptoms, they will be asked to contact their referring dentist in the first instance and if appropriate can then be re-referred as urgent.
We would ask colleagues to review the guidance released by NHSE and the Oral Surgery Managed Clinical Network regarding urgent oral surgery referrals (this includes an expectation that practitioners will undertake basic oral surgery for extraction of teeth, prior to making referrals to the Tier 2 service.)
If anyone has any specific cases that they wish to discuss with a clinician, please do not hesitate to call us on 01642 554 667.

At Queensway we offer a specialist led referral service in both Queensway Billingham and Queensway Jesmond, giving you and your patients access to our multi-disciplinary team without a waiting list. We accept referrals for any aspect of treatment; providing a comprehensive service if required or working with you, our colleagues to deliver specific elements of patient care.
The services we offer include:
Anxiety Management Sedation
Complex Restorative management
Dental Implants
Specialist Oral Surgery
Specialist Orthodontics
Specialist Periodontics
Facial Aesthetics
3D Imaging