If in doubt get checked out

Nov 11, 2014
If in doubt get checked out

The number of people diagnosed with mouth cancer in the UK has significantly increased over the last decade, with the latest figures showing 6,767 new cases in a year and cancer experts predicting it is one of the very few forms of cancer that will rise within the next 10 years.

To show our support, on the 19th November it is going to be blue Wednesday at Queensway Dental Clinic. Our team will be getting involved on the day by painting their lips blue to raise awareness about the risk factors associated with the disease and what to look out for.

We will be posting our #bluelipselfies throughout the day on Facebook.

Regular check-ups with your dentist are the best way to detect mouth cancer, but it’s also important that people know what to look out for in between appointments. We want to encourage patients to become aware of the signs and symptoms that will help towards early detection:

- Ulcers that do not heal within 3 weeks

- Red or white patches in the mouth

- Any unusual lumps or swelling

Mouth cancer can affect anyone, but risk is increased from tobacco use, drinking alcohol to excess, poor diet and the human papillomavirus (HPV). Making the right lifestyle choices can help minimise risk and prevention is key.

All patients at Queensway Dental Clinic can be reassured that at every check-up their dentists will perform a mouth cancer check and will be informed if they find any abnormalities.

For more information about the campaign – please visit the website: www.mouthcancer.org.
