Mother and Daughter choose Queensway Orthodontics for their perfect smile

Jun 6, 2012
Mother and Daughter choose Queensway Orthodontics for their perfect smile

Stephanie Wardell from Hartburn bought her daughter Jessica to Queensway Orthodontics after a recommendation from a family member. Jessica had previously been to another orthodontist and had some simple treatment, but it had not achieved the result she hoped for.

At her consultation with Queensway’s Specialist Orthodontist, Guy Deeming, Jessica was able to ask questions and discuss what she would results she was hoping to achieve, while Guy could explain treatment and brace options. As her school prom was approaching and because she had already had some treatment elsewhere, Jessica and Stephanie chose to have her treatment on a private basis to take advantage of the flexibility that this service can offer.

To find out more about brace treatment please visit
