Patient information -Upcoming June appointment(s)
Jun 2, 2020

As we approach our 11th week in lockdown, our team hopes that you and your family are keeping healthy and well. We are missing all of our wonderful patients and look forward to seeing you all again very soon.
Last week we welcomed the news that dental practices have the green light from the government to open their doors for routine appointments from 8th June. However, we must take steps to ensure we do this by following the same strategy as we have throughout this pandemic – that the safety of our patients, their families and our colleagues comes first.
It is for this reason that we will be adopting a staged re-opening as we adjust to our ‘new normal’ way of working. We need to restructure and re-organise the practice diaries to ensure we comply with all the necessary safety measures and precautions. This specifically relates to how many patients we are able to see, the required gaps between certain treatments and also the number of people we can safely have within the practice at one time.
Therefore, if you had an appointment booked in June, we will have contacted you to inform you that we have postponed your scheduled appointment and will be rearranging this in the very near future.
To ensure the rebooking process is managed in a fair and efficient way – we will be prioritising those who have developed a dental problem during lockdown, followed by those who had an appointment booked during the weeks we have been unable to carry out routine dentistry.
We know that many of you will be wanting to come and see us for treatment as quickly as possible, but we hope you understand why this has to be managed carefully and cautiously. Please be reassured that our team have been, and continue to work incredibly hard behind the scenes to prepare, train and plan for the return to work.
If you are experiencing or develop acute dental symptoms between now and then, please do not hesitate to contact us for advice. We would much rather hear from you and see what we can do to help. We are operating a skeleton staff at present so if you are struggling to get in contact via the phones then please email reception and we will respond as soon as we can.
We look forward to seeing you soon and we are incredibly grateful for your patience and understanding during this difficult time, along with the kind messages of loyalty and support we have received. If you have any queries about this letter or your treatment, please contact us via email at
Stay safe,
The Queensway Team