Queensway celebrates green achievement
Mar 24, 2017

We are delighted to announce Queensway Dental and Orthodontics have secured the Investors in the Environment Silver level accreditation following environmental improvement in the workforce.
Investors in the Environment is an environmental accreditation scheme designed to help the business sector save money and reduce their impact on the environment.
In the last year, Queensway has made a conscious effort to put in place an environmental policy including the recycling of empty print cartridges and shredded paper as well the implementation of electronic systems to support appointment reminders for patients.
Colette Meek, clinical governance lead at Queensway Dental, said: “We are thrilled to have secured the Investors in Environment silver accreditation which shows our commitment to improving our environmental impact. It’s great to be recognised in this way as we have made lots of progress to become a more sustainable organisation.”