Queensway donates to the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

Dec 19, 2012
Queensway donates to the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal

When Queensway realised there was a need to contribute toiletries, toothpaste, toothbrushes, warm clothing, writing paper and stamps to the seafarers at our ports for Christmas, we were happy to help. Dr Paul Averley responded to the call from the Billingham Community Newspaper for businesses to help by supplying 50 tubes of toothpaste and 50 toothbrushes to the Christmas Shoe Box appeal by the Apostleship of the Sea.

With over 90% of world trade is transported by ship, we can take for granted ‘the real journey’ of the goods in our supermarkets. The life of a modern seafarer can be dangerous and lonely. They may spend up to a year at a time away from home, separated from their family and loved ones and often working in harsh conditions Many of the seafarers sign up to work on board from Third World Countries in the hope to provide a better living for their families back home. Arriving at our port with inappropriate clothing for our weather conditions, little or no money with no practical way to contact their loved ones, the port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors welcome seafarers, offering welfare service, practical help, care and friendship – that includes helping where possible to contact their families back home.

The Apostleship of the Sea relies wholly on voluntary contributions and Pat Chambers from the newspaper said that the kind donation from the Queensway Dental team was a warm welcome.

