Queensway launch an oral health campaign across Teesside for National Smile Month
May 28, 2014

Queensway Dental Clinic is launching a campaign aimed at primary schools across the region. The ‘Tooth Troopers’ project aims to provide education to address the chronic problem of tooth decay in young children in Teesside by providing education and information about the cause of tooth decay and ways to prevent it.
Oral health is a big issue; with a recent report* revealing that over 27 per cent of five year olds across the UK suffer from tooth decay, with figures for the North East being higher than the national average. In Teesside the figure is 32 per cent, rising to 36 per cent when Hartlepool is excluded, which has the benefit of naturally occurring fluoride in the water supply.
In addition, the national average for five year olds needing an extraction is three per cent, which rises to four and a half per cent for the North East, the second highest rate in England.
Dr Paul Howlett, Dentist at Queensway Dental Clinic said: “As part of the project we will work with pupils to help them understand the importance of good oral health and the long term benefits of taking care of their teeth and gums from an early age. Queensway Dental Clinic is committed to educating the local community on how they can best tackle this issue. Toby and Tilly, our ‘Tooth Troopers’ will help the children along the way and we hope to encourage as many schools as possible to become involved in the programme.”
Alongside an interactive presentation from Queensway Dental Clinic, pupils will then complete a fun, educational workbook, which encourages teamwork while incorporating science, mathematics and art and design, amongst other core skills. There would also be chance for children to win a £200 voucher for their school by taking part in a poster competition.
Schools from Teesside are now being invited to express their interest in joining the programme. If you are interested in finding out more, please email Coral Milner on coral.milner@queensway.co.uk or telephone 01642 554667.
*All data taken from the Public Health England 2012 survey of 5 year olds.