Queensway Skin Clinic Newsletter – May 2020
May 31, 2020

We hope you are keeping safe and well during this extraordinary time.
We are missing all of our patients and remain committed to assisting you all during these challenging times. Despite being closed, we understand that our patients may need advice and support and we have ensured that we are still available to you.
However, we are reopening the skin clinic on 1st July. Please contact us now to ensure your face-to-face appointment. We will continue to offer virtual consultations throughout June for new and existing patients for some of our skin treatments which have proven to be very popular.
In the meantime, we are working hard to make sure everything is ready for us to start offering facial aesthetic treatments again.
Your safety and the well-being of our team is paramount when we do open and you will see some changes throughout the clinic to reflect this. We are expecting to announce a reopening date soon. So keep posted!
Why not follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up to date with the clinic? You could even send us photos of your skincare routine, selfies or lockdown activities – we need to see happy photos now more than ever!
Take care and stay safe,

Have these weeks of isolation left you with a dull complexion or repeated break outs of spots? While the struggle is real when it comes to lockdown skin, now is the time to do what you can to take care of it.
Life stresses, changes in our skin care routine and more time indoors could all be to blame – but so could what you’ve been eating.
Facing the facts: Here are some of our top skin tips to help you care for your skin during lockdown

5 steps to gorgeous skin using ZO

ZO Skincare delivery service
We know some of you are missing your ZO skincare fix, which is why we are now offering all previously prescribed patients, the chance to have their products directly to their home!
That’s right – all you need to do is call the clinic on 01642 352445 and speak to one of our receptionists who will be happy to grant your wish!

That’s right – facial aesthetic practioners, Dr Uzma Olbrich and Dr Rebecca Hierons will be hosting their first in a series of Facebook Live events for Queensway Skin Clinic! This event will be focussed on all things ZO – so if you’re interested in learning more or have a question about your own skincare; tune in, type a question and listen to the region’s leading expert on ZO Skincare.

ZO challenge accepted – Barbara started using ZO fundamental 5 products in December. As we went into lockdown, she asked if Queensway Skin could do anything to help the lines around her eyes. We challenged Barbara to do a ZO ‘at home’ peel and to continue using retinol while in lockdown – her results…amazing!

Another lockdown success! A mixture of enforced time indoors, stress, increased sugar and alcohol consumption can lead to breakouts. This is Gemma – 4 weeks after using a ZO acne reducing program.

New training position for Dr Uzma Olbrich

We are delighted to announce Dr Uzma Olbrich has been appointed the new trainer for ZO Skincare and Wigmore Medical and we couldn’t more excited about this new collaboration.
Uzma, said; “Teaching lies at the heart of the Queensway group so it was a great honour to be asked to teach for ZO Skinhealth and Wigmore Medical – two of the brands we have supported and respected from the beginning of our aesthetic journey.”

From celebrating her 11th wedding anniversary with husband Tom, daily exercising, baking, plenty of skin care and retinol, to quality family time with her two daughters, Uzma has been keeping busy during lockdown – and work has certainly been looking a lot different too!
Rebecca recently offered her gardening services at her children’s old school, West Jesmond Primary with daughter, Cat and son, Dan. The school has an enormous six plot allotment area but currently has no children to help so team Hieron were on hand to help water and weed the plants. Rebecca has also been keeping busy baking her favourite cakes; Lemon Drizzle and Victoria Sponge.

As we adapt to the current situation, we have launched a new service for those who would like to get started on their skin journey – a free, virtual consultation.
During your appointment, you will be given idea of treatment options, cost and payment plans. We can then arrange an appointment for you at our Billingham or Darlington practice when is it safe for us to do so.