Queensway Sterilising Technician Michaela gets a smile makeover

Jan 9, 2014
Queensway Sterilising Technician Michaela gets a smile makeover

Starting work at a dental practice not only gave Michaela a new career, but an opportunity to change something she had been unhappy about for some time, her smile.

Michaela had very heavily filled front teeth with repeated failure of white fillings and some NHS crowns that were poorly colour matched with dark edges next to the gum.

Michaela said that working in a dental practice meant that she didn’t want to be ashamed of her smile, but instead have one that she could show off and be proud of.

Upon an initial assessment, Dr Ian Lane identified gum problems that would need an intensive course of periodontal therapy with Dental Therapist Aimee Briggs. As with any dental treatment, to give the best chance of stability and long-term results, oral health needs to be at the highest standard prior to starting any more complex or cosmetic dental treatment.

Once gum health had improved and cleaning was at a very high standard, Ian, working closely with Queensway’s on-site dental laboratory and of course, Michaela, to set about planning her new smile.

Working with detailed photographs, x-rays and models from the dental laboratory, the new crown shape and correct biting position was decided before treatment started.

After a course of whitening to get natural teeth to the desired brighter shade,  work began on the upper 6 front teeth and 1 lower crown, colour matched to her new white smile.

A ‘trial’ smile was first prepared to confirm the shape and was worn for a temporary period. The final ceramics were then produced by Queensway Dental Laboratory with input from Michaela, before the final ceramic fit and bite adjustment.

After treatment Michaela said, “I am completely overwhelmed with the transformation and didn’t think it would ever be possible to change my smile so dramatically. My colleagues have all provided lots of positive feedback and now I can proudly say wherever I go that I am an advert for Queensway’s superb dentistry.”
