Shock Report from Public Health England reveals that 12% of three year olds are suffering from tooth

Oct 3, 2014
Shock Report from Public Health England reveals that 12% of three year olds are suffering from tooth

A report released this month from Public Health England revealed that 1 in 8 of all British three year olds suffer from tooth decay. The statistics in the report come from the first national survey of the oral health of three year olds. In total during 2012/13 50,000 youngsters were examined at their nursery, children centre or playgroup and it was found 12% of children had evidence of tooth decay, with an average of three teeth that were decayed, missing or filled. At Queensway Dental Clinic we take our responsibility to try and prevent tooth decay in young children very seriously. In response to this shocking report we would like to share with you the work we are doing to promote preventative dentistry and educate children and their parents in our community on the risks of hidden sugars in food and drinks that are damaging teeth at such an early age.

  • Longer appointments for children with our dental therapists We have a team of 5 dental therapists who have an important role in working with child patients to promote dental health and instigate an appropriate preventative regime including the application of fluoride varnish if required, to provide extra protection against tooth decay.
  • We have a purpose-built preventative dentistry unit run by a dedicated Oral Health Nurse Every day we deliver important advice to children and their parents on brushing, tooth friendly diet and how to improve oral health. This is a free service available to all patients.
  • We run an educational program for the community fronted by Tilly and Toby the Tooth Troopers We have so far visited and delivered an interactive presentation to over 800 pupils in the North East and plan to carry on this important oral health project throughout 2015 by working with the Greggs Foundation and visiting breakfast clubs throughout the region.

Tooth decay is a disease that is completely preventable. By following these top tips it will greatly lower your child’s risk of developing tooth decay and improve their overall oral health.

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes with a fluoride toothpaste once in the morning and once before bedtime (for children under 3 use a smear of toothpaste containing at least 1000ppm fluoride and for children aged 3 and over use a pea-size amount of toothpaste containing at least 1450ppm fluoride.)
  • Remember to supervise your children’s brushing at least until the age of 7.
  • Spit out the toothpaste after brushing but do not rinse your mouth.
  • Restrict treats to meal times and avoid snacks and sweet tasting drinks in between meals or before bedtime.
  • Be aware of hidden sugars – always read the labels on packaging as terms such as ‘no added sugar’ can be deceiving.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.

If you would like the Tooth Troopers to pay a visit you your child’s nursery or school, please contact Coral Milner on 01642 554667 ext 283 to find out more information.
