Smile update | July 2021
Welcome to July’s Queensway Dental newsletter and here we are over the halfway mark of 2021.
Jul 13, 2021

Welcome to July’s Queensway Dental newsletter and here we are over the halfway mark of 2021.
Following the recent proposals from our government we are all looking forward to restrictions easing further. As cases continue to rise, our priority remains the same as it has done throughout the whole of the pandemic and that is the safety of our patients and staff.
There are many changes we have made over the last 18 months, virtual consultations, air filtration in our surgeries, the use of masks throughout the practice and social distancing in our waiting rooms. For the foreseeable and while cases in our area continue to rise, these precautions will remain in place. Some of the changes we have made such as our video consultations may stay forever as the practice and our patients have seen a huge benefit for all.
As always, we would like to thank all our patients for their support and patience throughout this time. We will be writing to all our patients in the near future with an update.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the practice and making this time your time to smile.
Take care and stay safe.
Queensway Dental

SCARLETT Moffatt showed off her new smile following a smile makeover at Queensway Dental and hit back at school bullies – as she admitted: “I finally feel like I can smile.”
The former Gogglebox star, 30, explained why she came to Queensway Dental for a smile makeover which consisted of zirconia veneers, crowns, PMMA veneers and crown lengthening.
“So as a kid, school wasn’t really easy. One of the big things I used to get picked on was my teeth because I was in a bike accident when I was little and smashed my two front teeth.
“This unfortunately carried on into adulthood – being in the public eye sometimes isn’t fun.
“So, I went to Queensway Dental and… this happened! I feel like I can finally smile. I’m so excited.”
“Bullies are like sandpaper the more they wear you down the more polished you become. I have done this for me, not them and now thanks to @queenswaysmiles & @queenswaylab I don’t think I’ll ever stop smiling.”
Watch Scarlett’s video below to hear how her life has changed since her smile transformation.

Congratulations to our beautiful patient, Ashton who got married last week!
Ashton had a smile makeover which consisted of ceramic veneers ahead of wedding so that she felt more confident smiling for photos.
We wish her and her new husband a lifetime of happiness together!

Health and fitness coach @gav.gillibrand recently had treatment at Queensway Dental after deciding now was the time to make a change.
He said: “10 zirconia veneers on the top, 10 on the bottom…
“(For some reason, back in the early 80s my mum and dad didn’t get braces for my teeth. The quality of my teeth were fine, they were just a little crooked.) But then I thought, why the hell not?
“I decided to make a change. As simple as that.
I did the research. I’d see the many testimonials from the dental clinic I went to. Looked into the pros and cons of having veneers.
“I didn’t want to wait until 18 months so decided to go all in and I’m really pleased with the results.
“A fantastic investment that should last me 10-15 years if I take care of them.”
If now is the time for you, you can start your own smile transformation with a free video consultation.

Seeing our patients’ happy faces at the end of their treatment is always the best part of our day.
At the end of treatment, we are now capturing these moments and giving our patients a record of how far they’ve come on their smile journey with before and after images to take away.
What’s more, the patient will also be entered into our monthly selfie competition to a win a £30 shopping voucher of their choice! All images that patients have taken or tagged us in will be put in a prize draw and one lucky winner will be chosen each month!